Solana: Check if a token dexscreener is paid on chain

Checking If Token Pays Dex screen on the chain: Solution for cases of use of large volume

As a solar developer, you are probably foreign in the rapid world of decentralized exchanges (DeX) and liquidity provisions. However, when it comes to checking whether a real -time token pays, the situation can be complicated. In this article, we will explore the limitations of traditional API and provide an alternative solution for cases of great use of volume.

Traditional API Access

When using the API Dex Screener that has provided salt, you are limited to 1 request per second (Req/s). This means that if you have to perform more checks in a short period, you will not be able to do so in a given period of time. This restriction makes it difficult for cases of large use of volume, such as frequent token or large trade prices.

SOLUTION: Using the salt salt of built events

A better solution is to use a feature of built events in Solana. In particular, the Sola-Sklip Library offers API that allows you to listen to the Screery Dex Events chain. This approach allows you to receive real-time updates on prices and liquidity information without relying on traditional API.

Code, for example: List of Token with Solari

To demonstrate how to use Sola-Sklip, to create a simple example that cites token using the API-JA Dex Screener:


NPM install the salt pans

// Create a new instance of customer Slack

Constant Slack = requires ('slack');

const {client} = requires ('slack');

// Configure -va Slack credentials

Permanent Slacktoken = 'Your-Slack-Tose';

Constant Slackchannel = 'The Name of Your Channel';

// initializes a court for weak customers

Constant SlackClient = New Buyer ({Token: Slacktoken});

Async functions October () {{{

// List Token using API Dex Screener

Const dexcreerrl = '

Const txhash = wait for Getdexscreenertxhash (Dexscreerrl);

// Get the latest price token chain

Considering = wait for Getlatestprice (token, txhash);

// Send a weak message with the latest price

Constant Slackmessage = {

Channel: Slackchannel,

Text:Current price $ token} is: $$ {Lastprice},


// Post the message on Slack channel

Wait to Slackclient.postmessage (Slackmessage);


Leaftken ();

In this example, we create a new instance of customer Slack and we use it to list tokens using API -ja Dex Screener. Then we get realistic updates at the price of token through the Incorpate Solar Incorpate event.

Benefits of Use Confined Intests in Solana

The benefits of using "Solana-Click" include:

  • High availability: Receive real -time updates even if API is down or slowly.

  • Scalability: Make a few checks without relying on traditional API -is.

  • Flexibility: listeners of personalized events for personalized cases of use.

In conclusion, although Dex Screener API offers a suitable way to start with Dex Solana Ecosystem, it has restrictions when it comes to cases of use of large quantities. Using a feature of built-in solan events through "Sola-Slica", you can enjoy updating prices in real time and the listeners of flexible events without relying on traditional API.

The following steps

To take your solution to the next level, consider exploring other libraries and tools that provide a functionality of a Dex screen such as:

  • Supplier of solana -licika-pro

  • Dex-Jogger

  • Solana-Api

Combining these solutions from the Solana-Lip`, you will be able to build dex high-performance dex solutions to meet market requirements.


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